Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Any advice?

So today I went for lunch at a new cafe located at the Horticultural Center in Victoria. It was amazing! The fact they had Gluten free options for almost everything on the menu definitely made my day, Plus the meals were fantastic!
I started chatting up the girl taking my order and we got to talking about how I love to bake gluten free... I now have an interview on Friday. I am a little freaked out because I have never baked "Professionally". Is there any rule about just winging it? I am pretty confident that I can do it, but my worst fear is that something wont turn out(it will happen at some point I'm sure).
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Experiments gone wrong

Ok so last night I thought I would use up the last of my carrots in what is usually the best carrot cake EVER! ...But for some reason something went wrong along the way and to my dismay the look on my boyfriends face said it all, "I wont be taking these to work" he said jokingly (ya right).
There were though healthy, at least.
Has anyone ever baked using 100% coconut flour? I usually use a combination but had no other flours. It did not rise at all or matter how long I left it in the oven. *sigh* At least it was healthy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Anniversay cake I made for my boyfriends Grandparents.

So I am a bit of a health nut. Most people know this about me because I cant keep my mouth shut when someone asks me which fast food restaurant they should eat at. I am not sorry for expressing my opinion, but I could use some help on "how" I present it.
This started at a very young age (thanks mom!) and has shaped the person that I am today...a master gluten-free cook. Well maybe "master" is a bit of a bold statement but I can fool the most pickiest eater into thinking they are eating their most precious guilty pleasure. For me that is cake.

Thai Cooking with sis